What Should be Expected from the Inspector?
Upon arrival, the inspector will briefly outline the elements of the inspection, clearly defining what will and what will not be inspected to ensure that all parties understand and are in agreement regarding the level of service that has been ordered. This is all outlined in the inspection agreement that is normally signed before the inspection starts. If not previously signed, the inspector will ask for the inspection agreement to be read and signed before the inspection takes place. The agreement will clearly specify limits of liability, areas of exclusion from the inspection, limitations of the inspection service, etc. The Buyer should feel perfectly comfortable following the inspector throughout the house during the inspection and ask questions. The inspector should not only inform the Buyer of defects and areas of concern, but should also walk the Buyer through routine maintenance items such as HVAC filter changes, humidifier servicing, where the main water and gas shut-off valves are located, thermostat adjustments, etc.