Roof Deck Attachment
Along with the roof covering, how the roof deck is attached to the trusses/rafters plays an important role in your home’s ability to withstand high winds.
The inspector will look for the thickness of roof sheathing, the type of attachment (staple, nail or screw), the size of the nail, and the spacing of those nails. Depending upon the combination of the items listed, the roof deck attachment for the purposes of the wind mitigation for the OIR B1-1802 can be determined. When you receive your mitigation report, the inspector will provide verification photographs of the sheathing thickness, style, nail size, etc., measured with a ruler or other measurement device.
The inspector should also provide photos of the attachment type. Typically they will find a missded nail in the attic and take a photo next to a measurement device showing the size of the nail. The inspector will also mark the roof members showing the attachment spacing. If no photos are present showing these details, your report may be questioned as to its validity and most probably will not be accepted by the insurance carrier.