Roof Covering and Installation Date
The most important and frequently overlooked element that governs the losses experienced in hurricanes is the roof covering. Roof coverings installed to meet the 1994 SFBC or the 2001 FBC are designed to meet higher wind loads and have been proven to withstand winds better than earlier roofs.
The main reason for the differences in performance is the type of shingle or tile used and the attachment of these same components. The 1994 South Florida Building Code (SFBC) went into effect for Miami-Dade and Broward counties in September of 1995. No other county was required to follow this code. If your home has a roof covering installed in 1998 in Orange county, it most likely DOES NOT meet the 1994 SFBC unless the inspector can document code plus features, which are very unlikely in counties outside Broward or Miami-Dade. The 2001 FBC went into effect in March of 2002 for the entire state.
Homes in all counties meet the requirements of the 2001 FBC if the roof was installed and permitted properly. Here are the relevent dates that your roof covering must comply with, to benefit from wind mitigation credits. Miami-Dade/Broward counties - permit dated on or after 08/31/1995. All other counties - permit date 03/01/2001.