Asbestos is hazardous when its fibers become airborne. Exposure to asbestos increases the probability of contracting lung cancer or asbestosis (a lung infliction). If you have a suspected source of asbestos in your house, DO NOT DISTURB IT. Under no circumstances should you attempt to remove it even if you are wearing goggles, coveralls and a respirator.
The microscopic fibers of asbestos will pass right through most common shop respirators into your lungs, and travel throughout your house; Possible sources of asbestos in a home include:
- Insulation on your boiler or water heater
- Insulation on your water steam pipes
- Pipe insulation found in the crawl space or attic of older homes
- Certain floor tiles
- Certain ceiling tiles
- Certain wallboards
- Certain exterior siding
For a free booklet, which will help you identify possible sources of asbestos, call toll free: 1/800-638-2772, and ask for Asbestos in the Home, published jointly by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Consumer Product Commission. Additional information may be had by contacting:
The Center for Environmental Management Asbestos Information Center – Curtis Hall 474 Boston Avenue Medford, MA 01215 Telephone: 617-381-3531